The Johnson County Camera Club is a non-profit organization based in Prairie Village, Kansas. Members shoot both digitally and slides.

Meetings are the second Monday of each month, September through June.

Come share your photographic interests with other photographers. Learn through club programs and informative sessions. Take part in our intra-club competitions. Show and discuss your photography. Grow through helpful critiques and evaluations. Make new acquaintances who share the same interest and pleasure in photography.

Membership is open to all levels of experience. Whether you are a novice, advanced amateur, or professional photographer, your interest and talents are always welcome.

The Johnson County Camera Club extends to you an invitation to attend one of our monthly meetings!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Would you like to help on the Program Committee?

The JCCC Program Committee is responsible for setting up and maintaining the events & activities for the club.  Right now we are trying to schedule guest speakers for the year, and organize a few field trips.

We are still in the early stages of planning the 2011-12 year, and could sure use your help!  If you are interested in participating on this committee, please join us!  The next meeting is scheduled for September 26th.  Please contact me for details!

Erin Schuerman
JCCC Vice President
(913) 645-9898

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We're Blogging, folks!

In order to better organize and archive the information regarding the Johnson County Camera Club, I have started a BLOG for the Club.  The information will be posted on the Club's blog, then shared on our Facebook page.

Dont forget - There is a meeting tomorrow!


Meeting:  September 12, 2011 (second Monday)
Time:  6:30 P.M. (chat time), 7:00 P.M. meeting
Location:  Asbury United Methodist Church
                   Music Room
                   75th St. and Nall Avenue, Prairie Village, Kansas

Contests, Near & Far

If you have information regarding a photography contest, and would like to include it on this list, please send the information or link to:

Costco  |  International Photo Contest 2011
Entry Deadline:  September 30, 2011

Missouri  |  PictureMO
Entry Deadline:  October 3, 2011

Friends of the Farmstead  |  2011 Fall Preview Photo Contest
Entry Deadline:  October 31, 2011

Overland Park  |  Art at the Center
Entry Deadline:  VARIES

Johnson County Parks and Recreation  |  Focus on Fun Photo Contest
(for "amateur photographers")
Entry Deadline:  December 1, 2011

Year-End Photo Contest


Submittals for our Year-End-Contest are due at our May 2012 meeting.

Only images shot since April 2011 are eligible.

There are nine subjects to choose from. You may select a maximum of six subjects with a maximum of two entries for each of the six subjects chosen. A professional photographer will judge the contest, with the results to be presented and discussed at the June 2012 meeting.



■Autos/ Transportation/Wheels

■Close Up



■From Below



■"Wild" Things

Image Guidelines for Show & Tell

Show & Tell is scheduled for select meetings throughout the year.  We encourage all members to bring 3-5 images to share with the club.  A digital projector is used, and these are the guidelines you will need to follow:

All images should be sized for 1024 pixels on the longest dimension and saved in jpeg format at 72 dpi.

Images should be renamed to include the artist’s last name in the first characters of the title.

Check your image, if it looks blurry or pixilated (unintentionally), you may have started with a low resolution or highly cropped image. In this case, you may need to increase the setting in the resolution box to improve the image; but be sure to retain 1024 on the longest side.

Submit JPG files on a flash drive tagged with your name.

Drives will be returned after the images have been loaded into the computer for projection.

Thank you!

Club Bylaws


Adopted April 1, 1963 - Amended and Updated September 14, 2009


Sec. 1 The name of this organization shall be the Johnson County Camera Club. Hereinafter, this organization shall be referred to as the "Camera Club".

Sec. 2 The location and address for Camera Club meetings shall be determined by space required and the availability of a facility suitable, and approved by a majority legal vote of current Camera Club members. When circumstances require, the organization's officers will secure a temporary meeting location.

ARTICLE II - Objective

The objective of this organization shall be to develop a better understanding and appreciation for the medium of photography, photography equipment, and the "art" of photography.

ARTICLE III - Membership

Sec. 1 Any person interested in the objective of the Camera Club may become a member upon payment of dues as hereinafter provided. Any member proving to be contrary to the objective and function of the Camera Club may be voted out of membership by a two-thirds legal vote of the membership.

Sec. 2 Members shall be active (dues paying) or honorary (determined by a two-thirds legal vote of the membership).

ARTICLE IV - Officers

Sec. 1 The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected annually by a show-of-hands or by ballot at the May meeting, and take office after the June meeting. Officers shall serve for a term of one year.

Sec. 2 Nominations for officers shall be made during the May meeting by the membership in attendance. The consent of each nominee shall be obtained before his or her name is placed into nomination for election. At least one candidate must be named for each office to be filled. If more than one person is nominated for any position, the election for that position shall then be by ballot vote only.

Sec. 3 Any vacancy in an elected office shall be filled by a majority legal vote of the membership at the next regular meeting, due notice of such election having been given.

ARTICLE V - Duties Of Officers

Sec. 1 The President shall:
     (a) Preside over all meetings.
     (b) See that the objective of the organization is properly accomplished.
     (c) Appoint committee chairpersons.
     (d) Sign duly authorized vouchers in the absence of the Treasurer for   
            disbursement of funds.
     (e) Co-ordinate the work of active committees and be ex-officio member of
            all committees.

Sec. 2 The Vice President shall:
     (a) Serve in the absence of the President.
     (b) Be chairperson of the program committee.

Sec. 3 The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and shall perform such other organization duties as may be delegated to him or her (newsletter, announcements, mailings, etc.).

Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall:
     (a) Receive all moneys.
     (b) Keep accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
     (c) Pay out funds only as authorized by the membership.
     (d) Sign all vouchers for such expenditures.
     (e) Keep an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements, and
            make report of same at each regular meeting.
     (f) Notify delinquent members by December 1st of each year.
     (g) Turn all books and statements over to new officers at installation of

ARTICLE VI - Meetings

Sec. 1 The meetings of this organization shall be held once each month, September through June, on the second Monday, unless otherwise determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. Any meeting falling on a legal holiday shall be held the following Monday. (No monthly meeting will be held during July or August).

Sec. 2 The President may call special meetings. No business shall be transacted except that for which the meeting has been called.

Sec. 3 The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to those members whose dues are not in arrears.

ARTICLE VII - Committees

Such standing committees may be created by the officers as may be necessary to conduct and carry on the work of the organization.


Sec. 1 The amount of annual dues shall be voted upon at the discretion of the officers, dependent upon cash balance and needs of the organization. A majority legal vote of the membership will be necessary at any time to increase this amount.

Sec. 2 Any person joining the Camera Club after January 1, must pay the current pro-rated dues amount established for that time period by a majority legal vote of the membership.

ARTICLE IX - Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds legal vote of a quorum of members, provided due notice of the proposed amendment has been given.

ARTICLE X - Quorum

A quorum must be present to constitute a legal vote on any Camera Club issue previously mentioned in the bylaws, and such quorum shall consist of at least one-half of the active membership.


All monthly meetings begin at 6:30pm. Unless otherwise required by circumstances or determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. (09/12/05)

Dues: Annual active membership dues are $25.00 per individual, and are due at each September meeting. Any delinquent active member who has not paid their annual dues by December 1st will be removed from the Club's current newsletter and activity notification roster until payment, in full, has been received by the Treasurer. (09/12/05)

Any person joining the Camera Club after January 1, must pay active membership dues of $15.00. Any person joining after March 1, shall pay no dues, and cannot participate in the Club's annual year-end competition. (09/14/09)

Suggested Order of Business:
     (a) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
     (b) Treasurer's report.
     (c) Secretary's report.
     (d) Report of standing and special business.
     (e) Old and unfinished business.
     (f) New business.

Computer Based Image Editing Programs and Software:

The use of computer based image editing programs and software, and the extent of their use, was discussed and deliberated during the October 2007 meeting. It was then unanimously agreed, by a majority legal vote, that no restrictions or guidelines shall be placed on computer based image editing applications. (10/08/07)


(a) Guest speakers and outside judges shall receive a modest payment for their time and services. The standard amount of this gratuity shall be determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. In addition, guest speakers and judges who reside beyond the metropolitan area of Overland Park and Kansas City, shall be reimbursed for their travel mileage. (09/12/05)

The Aperture | 09-12-2011

Newsletter of the Johnson County Camera Club

Established April 1963

Meeting:  September 12, 2011 (second Monday)
Time:       6:30 P.M. (chat time), 7:00 P.M. meeting
Location: Asbury United Methodist Church
                  Music Room
                   75th St. and Nall Avenue, Prairie Village, Kansas

(Park behind the church; the meeting entrance is near the corner on the back of the building near Nall.)

Meeting Agenda for September
The JCCC Program for our September meeting will be a Show and Tell.  Select five of your favorite images shot since we last met in June and size them in accordance with the directions below.

Images for Show and Tell
All images should be sized for 1024 pixels on the longest dimension and saved in jpeg format at 72 dpi.  Images should be renamed to include the artist’s last name in the first characters of the title.  Check your image, if it looks blurry or pixilated (unintentionally), you may have started with a low resolution or highly cropped image.  In this case, you may need to increase the setting in the resolution box to improve the image; but be sure to retain 1024 on the longest side.  Submit JPG files on a flash drive tagged with your name.  Drives will be returned after the images have been loaded into the computer for projection.  

Program for October
We will have a fashion photographer, Chuck Arlund, who has recently moved to the area, put on a program for us.  See his website:

Other Possible Photo Outings being planned
-  Ol’ Marais River Run car show, 8/16 – 9/18/2011 in Ottawa, KS:
-  The Art of the Chopper exhibit at Union Station until 9/25/2011:

Annual Membership Dues
Member dues of $25 for 2011-2012 are due at the September meeting.  Michael Stone, our Treasurer, will be collecting the dues.  Please pay by check made out to "Johnson County Camera Club" for the exact amount.  If you must pay cash, Michael will accept only the "exact amount", he will not have cash to make change.  Please note, payment of dues allows you to participate in all club activities including the End of The Year jurored contest.

JCCC Bylaws
Included herein are the bylaws for the Johnson County Camera Club.  These governing rules are published at the beginning of each photo club year in September.  All members are expected to abide by these rules.  Questions regarding these rules should be addressed to the club president.

Notes from Our Last Meeting
President Dick O’Kell presided over the meeting.  .

Our judge for the End of the Year contest, Jenny Mendez, Cultural Arts Director for the Mattie Rhodes Art Center was unable to attend the June meeting.  Pat Woods and Gretchen Cole put together a preview program of the images entered in the contest.  Individual images were then viewed and the winners announced.

Following the viewing the meeting was adjourned.

At The Galleries – Michael Stone  (Photography currently on display):
Images Art Gallery, 7320 W. 80th Street, Overland Park, KS (913-232-7113)
Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday 10am-5pm.

            Featured artist is local photographer, Rene Carrillo, exhibiting his work, plus a special group show by seven other photographers  -  Closes September 10.

Lawrence Art Center Gallery, 940 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS (785-843-2787).

            "Every Picture Tells A Story - The Rolling Stone Years" Features the work of Baron Wolman, original chief photographer for Rolling Stone Magazine  -  Closes October 1.

Art At The Center, Tomahawk Ridge Community Center, 11902 Lowell, Overland Park, KS (913-344-8656). Hours: Monday thru Saturday 8am-9pm, and Sunday 10am-8pm.

            "The Human Experience" The City of Overland Park's annual juried art exhibition. Among the works on display are 31 photographs, including those by JCCC members Mark Higgins, Bruce Hogle, Dale Jamieson,  Jack Stemm and Steven Wall  -  Closes October  9.

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Block Building, 4525 Oak, KCMO (816-561-4000).
Hours: Wednesday 10am-4pm, Thursday and Friday 10am-9pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, and Sunday noon-5pm.

            “Heavens: Photographs of The Sky and Cosmos" An exhibition of 39 photographs, selected from the museum's permanent collection, that illustrate the medium's long-standing fascination with the sky and the creative methods used to capture and reveal celestial bodies and events  -  Closes November 31.

National Archives Central Plains Region, 400 West Pershing Road, KCMO (816-268-8000).
Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday 9am-5pm.

            "Picture This! One Hundred Years of Photography" An exhibit of photographs from the National Archives' vast collection  -  Closes December 31.
The Editor’s Corner – Bill Staudenmaier
We went to a wedding recently.  A group of five women, my wife included, were close friends and dorm mates in college.  The husbands of the wives have also become friends through the years.  One way or another, our little group has managed to arrange to meet somewhere every year.  As our children have grown and decided to marry, we’ve also managed a get together at the various upcoming weddings.

Regarding the wedding alluded to earlier; this was a traditional Catholic wedding with mass and incorporated wedding ceremony.  I did notice however that the wedding photographer was not in an obvious position taking shots of the participants as they walked down the aisle or when vows were exchanged at the altar.

Following the ceremony, no line was formed by the wedding party so that attendees and relatives might offer their congratulations to the bride and groom as they exited the church, even though everyone was standing around waiting to see the bride and groom before going to the reception.  Finally it was announced that Mr. and Mrs. were preparing to leave the church, and to the sound of requested applause, they hurriedly dashed past everyone and into the waiting trolley bus, which would take them and the rest of the wedding party to the reception.  Again no photos were taken.  Guests stood around and talked for a while, then confused, made their way to their cars and headed for the reception at another site some distance away.

At the reception the guests gathered and sipped drinks and enjoyed hors-d’oeuvres.  Neither the bride and groom, nor any of the attendants, were anywhere to be seen for almost an hour.  Suddenly the hired DJ announced their entrance and requested a big round of applause for them as they entered the hall.  The bride and groom walked around the room talking to selected people, but it was obvious no formal reception line was planned.  Now the photographer was taking photos.

Salads were already on the tables.  All guests were assigned to specific tables, and our group was seated together.  After a couple of trips for hors-d’oeuvres and drinks, most guests got tired of looking at their wilting salads and began to eat.  A little later, the DJ announced that the priest would offer a prayer so we could begin eating.  This is the usual procedure, but the last time I saw the priest he was standing at a table near the bar with snacks and beer in hand engaged in animated conversation.  After the prayer, the chef from the catering company, announced the menu, and stated that he would go around and summon each table when it was their turn for a trip to the buffet.

Following the meal the bride’s parents toasted the couple (Champaign bottles had been distributed to all tables) and the groom’s brother also said a few words and offered a toast.  All the while the couple acted like they were enduring the torture of this formality just for the sake of what was expected.  Neither one said anything or thanked their parents, nor did they thank the guests for helping them celebrate this auspicious occasion.  No pictures were taken by the photographer at this time.

The DJ played a few Michael Jackson songs, and then suddenly John (friend of the groom) did a MJ impression mouthing the words and dancing.  I’ll have to admit he was good.  He did an encore (not that anyone encouraged it) and finished again to applause.  Then the bride and groom got up and danced with John to a Jackson song, reminiscent of the You Tube wedding video where the wedding participants danced down the aisle at the service.  The photographer was snapping away madly here.

The couple never made it to our table even though the bride knew most of us as her mother’s friends.  After the dance they had headed for the wedding cake, made a few cuts for the photographer and returned to their table.  No announcement was made for the guests that the cake was ready to be served.  We sort of figured it was available a little later as some of the other guests wandered by carrying their plates.

I should also mention that the wedding photographer did appear to know what she was doing and did seem professional.  Although, the reception images appeared to be grab shots and no formal poses were arranged.  My guess is that formal images, if any, were shot prior to the ceremony at the church.

Gradually the DJ played more modern music, I guess the old rock n’ roll earlier was for their parents and their guests.  The music also got so loud you couldn’t carry on a conversation.  Finally we gave up and left, as did some of the other guests, never having even spoken to the bride and groom who had disappeared somewhere.

Adopted April 1, 1963  -  Amended and Updated September 14, 2009

ARTICLE  I  -  Name

Sec.  1 The name of this organization shall be the Johnson County Camera Club. Hereinafter, this organization shall be referred to as the "Camera Club".

Sec.  2 The location and address for Camera Club meetings shall be determined by space required and the availability of a facility suitable, and approved by a majority legal vote of current Camera Club members. When circumstances require, the organization's officers will secure a temporary meeting location.

ARTICLE  II  -  Objective

The objective of this organization shall be to develop a better understanding and appreciation for the medium of photography, photography equipment, and the "art" of photography.

ARTICLE  III  -  Membership

Sec.  1 Any person interested in the objective of the Camera Club may become a member upon payment of dues as hereinafter provided. Any member proving to be contrary to the objective and function of the Camera Club may be voted out of membership by a two-thirds legal vote of the membership.

Sec.  2 Members shall be active (dues paying) or honorary (determined by a two-thirds legal vote of the membership).

ARTICLE  IV  -  Officers

Sec.  1 The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected annually by a show-of-hands or by ballot at the May meeting, and take office after the June meeting. Officers shall serve for a term of one year.

Sec.  2 Nominations for officers shall be made during the May meeting by the membership in attendance. The consent of each nominee shall be obtained before his or her name is placed into nomination for election. At least one candidate must be named for each office to be filled. If more than one person is nominated for any position, the election for that position shall then be by ballot vote only.

Sec.  3 Any vacancy in an elected office shall be filled by a majority legal vote of the membership at the next regular meeting, due notice of such election having been given.

ARTICLE  V  -  Duties Of Officers

Sec.  1 The President shall:
                     (a)     Preside over all meetings.
                     (b)     See that the objective of the organization is properly accomplished.
                     (c)     Appoint committee chairpersons.
                     (d)     Sign duly authorized vouchers in the absence of the Treasurer for disbursement of funds.
                     (e)     Co-ordinate the work of active committees and be ex-officio member of all committees.

Sec.  2       The Vice President shall:
                     (a)     Serve in the absence of the President.
                     (b)     Be chairperson of the program committee.

Sec.  3       The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and shall perform such other organization duties as may be delegated to him or her (newsletter, announcements, mailings, etc.).

Sec.  4       The Treasurer shall:
                     (a)     Receive all moneys.
                     (b)     Keep accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
                     (c)     Pay out funds only as authorized by the membership.
                     (d)     Sign all vouchers for such expenditures.
                     (e)     Keep an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements, and make report of same at each regular meeting.
                     (f)      Notify delinquent members by December 1st of each year.
                     (g)     Turn all books and statements over to new officers at installation of officers.

ARTICLE  VI  -  Meetings

Sec.  1       The meetings of this organization shall be held once each month, September through June, on the second Monday, unless otherwise determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. Any meeting falling on a legal holiday shall be held the following Monday. (No monthly meeting will be held during July or August).

Sec.  2       The President may call special meetings. No business shall be transacted except that for which the meeting has been called.

Sec.  3       The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to those members whose dues are not in arrears.

ARTICLE  VII  -  Committees

Such standing committees may be created by the officers as may be necessary to conduct and carry on the work of the organization.


Sec.  1       The amount of annual dues shall be voted upon at the discretion of the officers, dependent upon cash balance and needs of the organization. A majority legal vote of the membership will be necessary at any time to increase this amount.

Sec.  2       Any person joining the Camera Club after January 1, must pay the current pro-rated dues amount established for that time period by a majority legal vote of the membership.

ARTICLE  IX  -  Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds legal vote of a quorum of members, provided due notice of the proposed amendment has been given.

ARTICLE  X  -  Quorum

A quorum must be present to constitute a legal vote on any Camera Club issue previously mentioned in the bylaws, and such quorum shall consist of at least one-half of the active membership.


All monthly meetings begin at 6:30pm. Unless otherwise required by circumstances or determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. (09/12/05)

Dues: Annual active membership dues are $25.00 per individual, and are due at each September meeting. Any delinquent active member who has not paid their annual dues by December 1st will be removed from the Club's current newsletter and activity notification roster until payment, in full, has been received by the Treasurer. (09/12/05)

Any person joining the Camera Club after January 1, must pay active membership dues of $15.00. Any person joining after March 1, shall pay no dues, and cannot participate in the Club's annual year-end competition. (09/14/09)

Suggested Order of Business:
         (a)     Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
         (b)     Treasurer's report.
         (c)     Secretary's report.
         (d)     Report of standing and special business.
         (e)     Old and unfinished business.
         (f)      New business.

Computer Based Image Editing Programs and Software:
          The use of computer based image editing programs and software, and the extent of their use, was discussed and deliberated during the October 2007 meeting. It was then unanimously agreed, by a majority legal vote, that no restrictions or guidelines shall be placed on computer based image editing applications. (10/08/07)

         (a)     Guest speakers and outside judges shall receive a modest payment for their time and services. The standard amount of this gratuity shall be determined by a majority legal vote of the membership. In addition, guest speakers and judges who reside beyond the metropolitan area of Overland Park and Kansas City, shall be reimbursed for their travel mileage. (09/12/05)

Subjects for the Year-End 2011-2012 Photo Contest
Submittals for our Year-End-Contest are due at our May 2012 meeting.  Only images shot since April 2011 are eligible.  There are nine subjects to choose from.  You may select a maximum of six subjects with a maximum of two entries for each of the six subjects chosen.  A professional photographer will judge the contest, with the results to be presented and discussed at the June 2012 meeting.

2011-2012 Year-End-Contest Subjects
  • Abstract                                             
  • Autos/ Transportation/Wheels                                    
  • Close Up
  • Curves       
  • Rusted/Busted/Old/Dilapidated                                         
  • From Below
  • HDR                                                    
  • Nostalgia                                                                                
  • “Wild” Things     

Please patronize the following area businesses when you need photographic supplies or camera repairs.
Overland Photo Supply, Inc.    8967 Metcalf,      Overland Park, KS  66212                                (913) 648-5950,                FAX (913) 648-5966,         e-mail –,    Hours: M-F 10-7,  Sat 10-5

Crick Camera Shop      7715 State Line Rd.    Kansas City, MO  64114   (816) 444-3390,      e-mail -      Established in 1946

The Aperture, newsletter of the Johnson County Camera Club, is published monthly.  Meetings are held the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise announced, at the Asbury United Methodist Church.  Short articles written by club members, or selected from other sources of possible interest to club members, may be sent to the editor for inclusion in the newsletter.  Membership dues of $25.00 for one year are to be paid during the month of September, which is the beginning of the club year.  Anyone who joins the club after March 1st. will not be required to pay dues and will not be eligible to participate in the year end competition.

For additional information or questions on the Johnson County Camera Club, activities, meetings, and membership contact the following members:

President  -  Steve Wall  913-782-6339
Vice-President  -
Treasurer  -  Michael Stone   913-469-5724       
Newsletter Editor  -  Bill Staudenmaier    913-381-0264 
Program Committee Chair  -  
Program Committee Members  -